Tuesday, 24 July 2007


Russell CJ Duffy said...

dare i say it?...


Ruela said...


Inconsequential said...


thank you both.

I have to confess to being lax at the moment...

Busy whoring for comments in the 'myspace' world.
Hate myself for it.
Hate myspace more so.

but gonna do it for a while longer...

Already had one piece praised and raised, infused with God, when he was never in it...
and better yet, one of my favourites, one I actually liked, ripped and shredded before my eyes.
Harsh groups.
But, again, something I wish to experience.

I will be back on form soon...
Probably after my holiday...
A week camping in wales...wtf?

I hope they have electric hook ups...

Ruela said...

Good vacations, take care of of you!